Innovative and Quality Embroidery Software Solutions
With the Accurate 5, the user can easily design double-color or double-sided designs. When the user first makes a picture that shows the stamp, then the second picture; can see both sides of the study at the same time.
So when you put the stamps in one place, an image is displayed, and when you put it in another side, another image appears.
ACCURATE 5 Features:
• Vector punch
• Vector recognition (Snap, Parallel)
• Embroidery image
• Simulation
• Capable and powerful database structure
• User-friendly interface
• Flexible use options
ATA İleri Teknoloji ve Bilişim Sistemleri
T: 0212 660 80 82
0532 296 38 47
0533 344 99 77
E-mail: info@accurate5.com
- Software